Indore (Madhya Pardesh): Two accused duped a man Rs 6 lakh on the pretext of alloting wheat tender to him in Rau police station area. According to the police, one Vijay Yadav, a resident of Kodariya village, lodged a complaint at Rau police station stating that two persons named Suresh Solanki and Mormi Dutta contacted him on his mobile phone that they had allotted him a big tender for wheat. When the victim asked them for documents, the accused sent them tender-related documents by email, displaying documents under a firm named Morbi Trading Firm Jorhat, Assam. The victim gave them Rs 6 lakh after seeing fake tender-related documents. The incident occurred on January 30, 2019 at Shramik Colony, Rau.
The police registered a case under section 406 and 34 against Suresh Solanki and Mormi Dutta and initiated a probe into the case. In another incident, a man was duped by his colleague of his motorcycle and mobile phone in Lasudia police station area. According to the police, one Atul Patel, a resident of New Ramnagar, lodged a complaint at Lasudia police station stating that he is a welder and one Gaurav Rajput also works with him. On September 23 last year, accused Gaurav came to him and asked for his motorcycle to visit a site. He also took his mobile phone as he said he did not have any mobile phone to contact. The accused took away the motorcycle and mobile phone and did not return.When the victim tried to contact the accused, his mobile was switched off. The police registered a case under section 406 against the accused and began an investigation.
Indore: Nagda Murder Accused Held In City
Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Chhatripura police arrested a man absconding in a murder case in Nagda from near Gangwal Bus Stand. The officials recovered an illegal pistol and a sharp-edged weapon from his possession. The police had received a tip-off that a man carrying a weapon was roaming near Gangwal Bus Stand.
The police reached the mentioned place and nabbed the accused. According to the police, the accused has been identified as Shakti Kodwal. During interrogation, he allegedly told police that he was absconding in a murder that took place on January 3 under the Nagda police station. Chhatripura police informed the Nagda police and handed over the accused to them.