Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Concerned over the repeated counterfactual data entered in the ‘Poshan Tracker App’, the directorate has decided to conduct training sessions for the concerned officials. As the anganwadi workers and concerned officials remain untutored, data updated in the application remains erroneous.
Analysing the past orders issued by the directorate of Women and Child Development, the reasons of pendency, unachieved targets, false reports, and disturbing data are all due to the fact that concerned officials are unable to register the data accurately.
The letter issued by Manish Mohan Agrawal, assistant director, women and child development, “A division-wise training of Poshan tracker and Sampark app will be conducted from June 1 in all divisions of the state so that data provided by the ground level officials do not lead to misconceptions.”
In a departmental meeting of WCD held on May 29 it was decided that a state-wide training campaign will be launched. This will help the officials coordinate between the data recorded and registered. The letter from the directorate further reads that a committee of coaches has been formed who will be visiting the department and training officials intricately.
Bridging gap between original and registered record
“The data that has been uploaded by officials has not been accurate. For example, the number of malnourished children in the city was recorded as zero in the past two months. However, this is practically impossible. The confusion created between the Directorate and other levels of the department is due to the fallacy that all the updated data is true. This training will help us teach anganwadi workers and helpers to accurately insert the collected data,” said Ramniwas Budholiya, Joint Director, WCD
Why is Poshan Tracker app important?
In a bid to digitalise its schemes, the women and child development department is focussing on linking Aadhar details of every child visiting the anganwadi with ‘Poshan Tracker’ application which will help officials in identifying the number of children who require nutrition supplement (Poshan Aahar) more effectively. Hence, the updates made in the app will give a correct picture of the development in the state.