Indore (Madhya Pradesh): About 40 per cent of the cops who were examined during an orthopaedic consultation camp were found to be suffering from knee and back pain and surprisingly, many of them were found to be prone to osteoporosis.
This was the findings of the Madhya Pradesh chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association during the free camp organised at the new police control room on Sunday.
According to Dr Saket Jati, president of MP chapter of association, “Over 350 cops and their relatives were checked for bone and joint issues for observing the Bone and Joint Day. Out of these, 40 per cent of the people were found suffering from knee and back pain.”
He also added that many of the patients were prone to osteoporosis. “Major reasons of the alarming situation is that the cops have a hectic schedule and they don’t have time to take their own care.”
Dr Jati emphasised that their main aim was to provide consultation to those who are working round the clock to keep the residents safe.
Various doctors from different hospitals including Dr Arvind Rawal, Dr Milind Shah, and Dr Arvind Verma, among others, provided health check-up, consultations, and appropriate treatments for the police personnel and their families.
Additional commissioner of police Manoj Kumar Shrivastava, reserve inspector Deepak Kumar Patil and their team were present during the camp.