Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The continuously rising temperature has made the day uncomfortable for the denizens as the temperature rose over 30 degrees Celsius, after three months, on Sunday. Moreover, the weatherman forecast no relief at least for a couple of days and added that the temperature would drop but no significant decrease is expected. The officials of regional Meteorological Department blamed the back-to-back Western disturbances affecting the weather in the western Himalayas as the reason for the early summer-like weather conditions. Meanwhile, the night also turned warm as the mercury rose over 15 degrees Celsius on Saturday. “This is the period of weather transition and chances of much drop in temperature are unlikely.
Moreover, the day temperature will remain close to 30 degrees Celsius and will hover close to 28-29 degrees Celsius after a couple of days. The next one week will remain dry and hot,” the officials said. On Sunday, the city recorded a maximum temperature of 30.7 degrees Celsius which was three degrees Celsius above normal, while the minimum temperature was 15.2 degrees Celsius which was four degrees above normal. Residents felt the heat as the weather remained hot and dry in the last many days. “There’ll be no difference in the night temperature except an increase by 2-3 degrees in the coming days. Only local factors will be responsible for any change in the weather conditions in the coming days,” Met officials added.
Indore’s weather in February
As in January, the sky during February also continues to be mainly clear with light surface wind. Occasionally, in association with western disturbances moving across north India, the fair weather may be interrupted by the development of clouds and thunderstorms accompanied by rain. Sometimes thunderstorms may also be accompanied by hail and gusty winds. With the receding winter, the mean minimum temperature gradually increases. There are rare occasions when the minimum temperatures drop below 8 degrees Celsius. Along with this, sometimes enough rainfall has also been recorded. The mean maximum temperature of this month is 29.4 degrees Celsius and the mean minimum temperature is 12.6 degrees Celsius.