Indore (Madhya Pradesh): On one hand, the Indore municipal corporation (IMC) is preparing to run the toy train on PPP model in Vishram Bagh, on the other, the toy train which started its journey seven months ago in Nehru Park is on the verge of closure. The toy train is not getting proper response from children as it was expected.
The situation is such that it has become difficult for the company from Rajasthan which operates the train meet expenses to operate it. Due to poor condition of Nehru Park, people are not coming here. This is having a direct impact on the operation of the toy train.
After being closed for almost 10 years, in June 2023, the toy train began to run in Nehru Park. It was inaugurated by Mayor Pushyamitra Bhargav and the train was named Vande Indore.
The toy train got a good response within 10-15 days of its launch, but after that the number of people coming to Nehru Park reduced. The impact was such that at present even 100 tickets for toy train ride are not being sold every day. Some days the number remains very less.