Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A five-year-old girl who was undergoing treatment at a hospital after falling from the second-floor terrace of her house in Khajrana area died on Saturday, police said. Khajrana police said the girl Afreen, daughter of Arman Khan, was playing alone on the terrace when she fell. Her family members heard her screams and rushed her to the hospital, but she succumbed to her injuries. Afreen was a student in Class II. Her father is a labourer.
The police are investigating the case and recording statements of the family members. The body was sent for autopsy.
3 end life by hanging
Three persons committed suicide by hanging themselves at their homes, police said on Saturday. No suicide note was found in any of the cases, so the reason behind the suicide could not be known. Police are taking statements of family members in all three cases. In the first incident, a 22-year-old newly married woman hanged herself at her place in Bhanwarkuan police station area on Friday.
She was taken to the hospital but died during the treatment around 3 am on Saturday. According to police, the woman was identified as Sukhdeep, a resident of Abhinav Nagar. Police were informed that she hanged herself from the ceiling at her residence in the evening. The family members are unaware of why she committed suicide. The police initiated an investigation into the case and sent the body for autopsy. In the second incident, a 38-year-old man hanged himself at his residence in Kshipra police station area on Saturday morning.
According to police, the man was identified as Nilesh Mandotiya, a resident of Mangliya. He worked in a shop and family members are unaware of the reason behind his extreme decision. The police started an investigation and sent the body for post-mortem.
In the third incident, a 22-year-old man hanged himself at his place in Khudel police station area on Friday. The man was identified as Sonu Singh, a resident of Umariya village. The police sent the body for autopsy.