Indore (Madhya Pradesh): In a significant crackdown, food safety officers seized 450 kg of sweets, believed to have been brought in from Bikaner, from a house in Musakhedi on Wednesday. The suspect, Ramchandra Jat who lived in this rented house was found to be operating from the house sourcing low-cost sweets from Bikaner and distributing them locally.
The sweets, including barfis, milk cakes, and rasgullas, were being transported in large tin boxes through buses and were to be supplied to small sweet and namkeen shops across the city.
Department officials highlighted that the sweets were transported in 15 kg tin boxes, with each milk cake weighing around 4 kg. Food safety officer Manish Swami confirmed that samples of the seized sweets have been sent for testing, and a case has been registered against Jat under the Food Safety Act.
The investigation also revealed that Jat’s supply had surged from 30 kg to an astonishing 300 kg per day during the festive season. However, further details regarding the shops receiving these adulterated sweets and the pricing are still under investigation.