Indore (Madhya Pradesh): As many as 2000 student activists of National Student Union of India (NSUI), on Thursday, gheraoed Indore's Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya over a series of issues, mainly including alleged delay in conduct of exams, results and poor evaluation of answer books.
The students, in large numbers, rallied to reach outside RNT Marg campus of the university and tried to force entry into the premises, prompting police action. The security force had to resort to water cannons to disperse the crowd.
However, the activists there held ground and raised slogans against police for using force against them. The activists were not ready to give up their protest until university authorities accepted their demand.
“While the students' issues remain unaddressed, many irregularities are also going on in the university which will also be highlighted by us,” said NSUI city president Rajat Patel.