Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The city crime branch on Saturday arrested two persons in connection with a chain-snatching incident in the Chandan Nagar area. The accused are being questioned to know other incidents committed by them.
According to the police, a woman, who was on her way to her shop in the Chandan Nagar area, was robbed of her gold chain near Dastoor Garden on July 20. Two accused who came from the rear side on a scooter snatched her gold chain.
The woman cried for help and the people gathered but the accused managed to flee from there.
On the instruction of senior officers, the crime branch team started searching for the accused. They had received information that the accused were seen in the Chandan Nagar area.
The crime branch team reached the area and managed to arrest the accused named Dharmesh and Rahul. They allegedly confessed to robbing the gold chain from the woman. The gold chain and the bike used in the crime were also seized by the police. Further investigation is on.