Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The Indore unit of the BJP on Saturday announced that it has made arrangements for mass listening of the 100th episode of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio show ‘Mann Ki Baat’ across 813 different locations of the district from 11 am.
BJP district president Rajesh Sonkar and district in-charge of Mann Ki Baat programme RamswaroopGehlot said that in addition to the 813 booths, preparations have been made in 15 mandals to listen to the programme at the Assembly segment level in the district in Sanwer, Depalpur, Rau and Mhow.
Along with the booth unit, panna committee, pannapramukh and the workers at the booths, the general public will also be linked to the Mann Ki Baat programme. Simultaneously, there will be programmes at 100 places in each VidhanSabha, where the programme would be broadcast through TV or LED screens at prominent places in each VidhanSabha.
"BJP men to make online entry on organisation app"
The booth president, general secretary and other office bearers will register for the programme through the organisation app. The name of the concerned Assembly, booth number, attendance number, address, photo and other details will be recorded.
Arrangements at Industrialists' Association
Under the joint aegis of the Association of Industries Madhya Pradesh and Vindhyachal Social Group, employment and self-employment fair and career counselling will be organised at the Association’s premises on April 30. Association's president Yogesh Mehta said that special arrangements have been made to listen to the 100th episode of Mann Ki Baat at the industrialists' association office.