In a devastating incident on Tuesday, a car carrying six youths collided with a truck near Rampur Tiraha on the Delhi-Dehradun Highway, resulting in the death of all passengers. The victims included five Delhi residents and one individual from Meerut, who were reportedly en route to Haridwar in a Ciaz car.
The accident took place around 4 am near the Chhapar police station area, close to Rampur Tiraha, when a 22-tyre truck laden with goods was traveling from Muzaffarnagar to Haridwar. The speeding Ciaz car then collided with the truck, causing more than half of the car to go under the truck.
Visuals of the mangled remains of the Ciaz car were shared on social media. The front portion of the vehicle was severely crushed. According to reports, the occupants of the vehicle died on the spot.
Deceased youths identified
The deceased, aged between 23 and 25, have been identified as Kunal Sharma, who worked at a clothing store; Shivam Tyagi, working at Bajaj Finance; Paras Sharma, a BBA student in Delhi; and Dheeraj, Aman, and Vishal, reportedly unemployed.
The police are investigating the circumstances leading to the tragic collision. The families of the deceased have been informed and the bodies have been sent for post mortem.