Ayodhya: In a horrific incident, a Principal has been arrested for removing the clothes of a minor girl and checking her private parts at a school in Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya. The teacher who is also the principal of the school performed the shameful act with a 10-year-old girl who is studying in class 5 in his school. The girl was so terrified after the incident that she stopped going to school. The incident occurred in a school located in Rudauli tehsil area that falls under the Baba Bazar police station.
Principal Rizwan Ahmed stopped her and asked her to wait
The incident occurred on Saturday (September 16) when the minor girl was going home after the school left but Principal Rizwan Ahmed stopped her and asked her to wait. When everyone including the students and the teachers left the school, the Principal forcefully took the girl inside the classroom and locked the door from inside.
The Principal then forced the girl to remove her clothes
The Principal then forced the girl to remove her clothes and touched her private parts. The Principal also threatened the girl not to tell about the incident to anyone. The girl was so scared that she succumbed to his threats and did not tell anyone about the incident. The girl also stopped going to school after the incident. Initially, the parents of the girl thought that she is denying to go to school as she was unwell.
The girl narrated about the incident to her parents
Later, the girl narrated about the incident after her parents started pressuring her to go to school. The father of the girl then took her to the police station and registered a complaint against the Principal. The police swung into action after the complaint and arrested the Principal.
Police initiates probe
The police have initiated a probe into the matter and Principal Rizwan Ahmed has been arrested and sent to jail. A video of the Principal standing inside the Police Station is doing rounds on social media.