Rajgarh (Madhya Pradesh): In a spine-chilling incident, a lawyer and his son were beaten ruthlessly with belts after being stripped naked in the middle of the road by some miscreants in Rajgarh district on Thursday morning. The terrifying video shows the miscreants manhandling the lawyer on bike and dragging him on road as his son stands petrified.
A complaint has been lodged by the victim at Narsinghgarh police station in the matter which is said to be a fallout of a land dispute and two people have been arrested.
Prabhulal (55), a lawyer by profession, along with his son Amit, was going to the Narsighpur police station in connection with a land dispute when the incident happened.
According to the FIR registered by the Narsinghgarh Police, the complainant Prabhulal, resident of Nandgaon came to the police station with his son Amit. He told the police that around 9.30 am in the morning he was on his motorcycle with his son. “As soon as we reached a well outside the village, on the main road, siblings Surendra Dhakad, Vinod Dhakad and Hariom Dhakad, stopped our way and took out the keys of the motorcycle,” he added.
Son tried to save father
When Prabhulal asked for the keys, the accused started abusing him verbally. When he asked them to stop abusing, all three of them together started beating him with belts, shoes, etc.
During the fight, Amit tried to save his father which led to the accused beating him as well.
The father son duo have sustained injuries on their head, back, hands and legs.
According to the complainant, the accused later tried to take the victims to a drain where they were planning to kill them. However, after Prabhulal pleaded to leave, the accused forcefully took them to Sagpur where they tore their clothes and again thrashed them.
Police have registered a case against the three accused under sections 341, 294, 323, 506, 355, 365 and 34 of IPC.
Anger among lawyers
The incident has caused much anger among the lawyer fraternity.
Vijay Sharma, President of Narsinghgarh Advocates Association, condemned the incident and asked the polioce to take strict action against the accused. He also said that if the accused are not punished harshly, then a protest will follow.
2 arrested
Talking about the incident, Additional SP Mankamana Prasad said that one party had beaten the other party over a land dispute, on which the police have registered a case against three accused under various serious sections of IPC. While two accused have been arrested, search is on for the third one.