Mumbai, August 15: Shiv Sena (UBT) on Thursday in a post on X reacted to the viral image doing rounds on the social media platform X showing UBT Chief Uddhav Thackeray "bowing" before Congress MP Rahul Gandhi with folded hands. Shiv Sena (UBT) on its X handle said that the picture was fake and that the image was manipulated.
"We will be filing a police case for tweeting fake and manipulated images. We know itβs the 'BJP' DNA to keep lying and being crass, but still!" read Shiv Sena (UBT) post.
"@AUThackeray Dear Aditya, we all respect and admire Hindu Hriday Samrat Balasaheb Ji. His son Udhav Ji was equally respected till his treachery to become CM. However, we still would have respected Udhav Ji had he followed in the footsteps of Balasaheb Ji. But he continues to be," the post read along with the retweet that contained the image which the Shiv Sena (UBT) objected to.
Image Posted By The Jaipur Dialogues
The viral image was posted on X by a handle named 'The Jaipur Dialogues'. The Jaipur Dialogues claims to a handle that "protects and promotes issues important for Hindus." The handle posted the image with the cautionary caption, "Shocking if true". However, the intention behind uploading the image is amply clear for everyone to understand.
The image posted by the handle showed Uddhav Thackeray bowing before Rahul Gandhi with folded hands to imply that UBT had "surrendered before the Congress," a charge often hurled by the BJP and opponents of Uddhav Thackeray.
Fake Pic
A closer look at the picture clearly shows that the viral image is fake and edited. However, that didn't stop various right-wing handles from using it to target Uddhav Thackeray.
This is also not the first time that attempts have been made to make Uddhav Thackeray look subservient to the Congress or even NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar. During the run up to the Lok Sabha elections, a video showing Sharad Pawar gesturing Uddhav Thackeray to wait outside was used by several handles to claim that Uddhav was insulted by Sharad Pawar. However, the claim wasn't true as Sharad Pawar simply wanted Uddhav to wait for sometime before he could talk to him.