Former Congress MP, Rahul Gandhi, responded to the notice issued by the Lok Sabha Housing committee. "Will abide," Rahul Gandhi replied after being asked to vacate the government bungalow following his disqualification as MP.
“As an elected Member of the Lok Sabha over the last 4 terms, it is the mandate of the people to which I owe the happy memories of my time spent there. Without prejudice to my rights, I will, of course, abide by the details contained in your letter”, Gandhi said in his letter.
Rahul was asked to vacate the bungalow
After being disqualified from the Lok Sabha, the Lok Sabha Housing Committee has given notice to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to vacate the government-allotted bungalow, news agency ANI reported.
Gandhi was assigned the bungalow located at 12, Tughlaq Lane following his election as a member of Lok Sabha in 2004.
However, on March 23, he was disqualified from his position as an MP by the Lok Sabha Secretariat due to his conviction in a criminal defamation case from 2019, which resulted in a two-year jail sentence handed down by a court in Surat.
With his disqualification, Rahul Gandhi is not only set to lose his government accommodation but also other benefits enjoyed by the parliamentarians.
Take a look at the advantages that Members of Parliament are entitled to:
During their term, an MP can benefit from a license-fee free accommodation or a hostel facility. They also have the option to pay the normal license fee and receive a bungalow-type accommodation. The Accommodation Sub-Committee makes the allocation of residences based on specific criteria.
In addition, MPs enjoy exemptions on their water and electricity bills up to a certain limit, and they can purchase furniture within monetary limits. The periodic washing of sofa covers and curtains, as well as the remission in rents for improvements or additions, are other residential facilities available to them.
As per the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Act, 2010, MPs receive a monthly salary of ₹50,000 and a daily allowance of ₹2,000 for attending Parliament sessions. They also receive a constituency allowance of ₹45,000 per month, as well as travel allowances for conducting duties related to their position. For example, they receive an executive class or first-class AC pass for train travel, one and one-fourth airfare of any airline, and ₹16 per kilometre of travel by road.
Furthermore, they are allowed a total of 34 single air travels per year, which can be used for themselves and their relatives. MPs also receive an office expense allowance of ₹45,000 per month, which includes ₹15,000 for stationary and postage expenses. This allowance can be utilised to pay for the wages of secretarial assistants.
Finally, MPs pay ₹500 every month to access free medical treatment for themselves and their families.