On Monday morning (June 12), a "Yellow" message was issued by Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) regarding Cyclone Biparjoy. "ESCS (extremely severe cyclonic storm) BIPARJOY over eastcentral Arabian Sea, at 2330 IST of 11th Jun near lat 18.9N & long 67.7E, Likely to cross between Mandvi (Gujarat) and Karachi (Pakistan) by noon of 15th June," read the tweet by IMD on Monday morning.
What is 'Yellow message'
The IMD website says that cyclone warnings are issued in four stages. They are issued to state government officials. The first stage warning known as "Pre Cyclone Watch" is issued 72 hours in advance. It contains "early warning about the development of a cyclonic disturbance in the north Indian Ocean, its likely intensification into a tropical cyclone and the coastal belt likely to experience adverse weather," says the IMD website.
The second stage warning known as "Cyclone Alert" is issued at least 48 hours in advance of the expected commencement of adverse weather over the coastal areas, explains IMD.
The second stage warning "contains information on the location and intensity of the storm likely direction of its movement, intensification, coastal districts likely to experience adverse weather and advice to fishermen, general public, media and disaster managers. This is issued by the concerned ACWCs/CWCs and CWD at HQ," IMD informs. This stage of alert is known as Yellow alert or message.
To cross Saurashtra and Kutch and adjoining Pakistan coasts between Mandvi (Gujarat) and Karachi (Pakistan) by noon of 15 June
"It is very likely to move nearly northward till 14th morning, then move northnortheastwards and cross Saurashtra & Kutch and adjoining Pakistan coasts between Mandvi (Gujarat) and Karachi (Pakistan) by noon of 15th June as a very severe cyclonic storm with maximum sustained wind speed of 125-135 kmph gusting to 150 kmph," said IMD statement on the progression of the cyclone.
Next alert at 8.30 am on Monday morning
"The systems are under continuous surveillance and the next message will be issued at 0830 hours IST of 12 th June, 2023," said the document put out by IMD.