Raigarh: During his visit to Raigarh on Thursday, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi took a dig at the opposition. Instead of lauding the efforts of the Baghel government, he labeled it as corrupt and credited the BJP for the rapid development of Naxal-hit Chhattisgarh.
"The state, once infamous for Naxal violence, is now recognised across the nation for its unprecedented development, which has been made possible due to the efforts of the BJP," the PM stated.
'Political Gimmickry': Modi slams state govt
The Congress government in the state obstructed Central Government welfare schemes, preventing eligible beneficiaries from reaping the benefits, and engaged in 'political gimmickry' by making false promises, the PM remarked.
He highlighted how the Baghel-led Congress government prevented people from benefiting from the PM Awas Yojana.
According to the PM, the Congress Government is primarily interested in filling its own coffers, obstructing Garib Kalyan, and engaging in corruption over the years. He criticised the Baghel government for backtracking on its promise to make the state liquor-free, stating,
"On one hand, they promised to make Chhattisgarh a liquor-free state, and on the other hand, they were fully involved in the liquor scam."
The 'District Mineral Foundation,' established for the welfare of tribals, has turned into the Congress Party's ATM to siphon off funds, he alleged.
Fifty years ago, Congress introduced the slogan 'Garibi Hatao,' but poverty hasn't alleviated, and Congress leaders have accumulated massive wealth. They continue to contest elections on the same 'false guarantee,' he alleged.
The PM stated that his policy initiatives lifted 13 crore people out of poverty in five years. He mentioned that his model of governance has given a boost to Chhattisgarh's infrastructure.
According to the PM, the progress of the state gains momentum when there is a BJP government both at the state and centre.
Modi Calls Godhan Scheme a Big Scam
PM also referred to the Baghel government's Godhan Scheme as a significant scam. He criticised the Opposition alliance, alleging that the I.N.D.I Alliance is an egotistical coalition of avaricious individuals who aim to seize power by engaging in divisive politics with the intention of eradicating Sanatan Dharma.
In their pursuit of power, he claimed that they seek to undermine the beliefs of the majority of people who adhere to the age-old Sanatan Dharma, Lord Ram, and others.
"It is Sanatan Dharma and its influence that have given rise to legendary and heroic figures like Lord Ram and Sita, which is a source of pride for both Chhattisgarh and India," he stated.
The PM launched a scathing attack on the opposition during a public rally in Raigarh.
Prior to this, he inaugurated a ₹6,350 crore rail corridor project at a government function in the district and also opened a 50-bed critical care block worth ₹210 crore in nine districts of Chhattisgarh.
He also noted that the critical care block has been instrumental in curing patients afflicted with sickle cell disease, a genetic disorder.