In Pain Due To Spinal Discs Degeneration? Here's How This Ancient Self-Healing Technique Can Help

In Pain Due To Spinal Discs Degeneration? Here's How This Ancient Self-Healing Technique Can Help

Degeneration of the discs, particularly in the moving sections of the spine like the cervical and lumbar levels is a natural process of ageing

Prof G B LuthriaUpdated: Saturday, May 25, 2024, 09:31 PM IST

Our ancient scientists had discovered that nature had designed our hands so that they look like our body and one can treat the body by stimulating corresponding body part on our hands. Buddhists migrating to China, took this scientific information with them and it flourished over there. Chinese scientists discovered the 14 Meridian theory and treated patients by stimulating meridian points on the body.

Degeneration of the discs, particularly in the moving sections of the spine like the cervical and lumbar levels is a natural process of ageing. When this ageing process occurs more rapidly or prematurely it is considered degeneration.

Cervical disc degenerative disorder can be characterised by neck pain. This neck pain can be most prevalent when the patient is upright or moving the head and can be reduced by lying down or reclining. Often the disc will be associated with osteophytes or bone spurs. They can further reduce movement and lead to nerve compression. The cervical nerve roots innervate the back of the head and neck as well as the arms and hands. If they are affected, the patient could have burning, tingling, numbness, and pain in these areas. Sometimes headaches result from cervical degenerative disc problems.

There is a three-joint complex that is comprised of the intervertebral disc (located in front) and two small right and left facet joints located in back of each vertebral level. Since the vertebrae are stacked atop each other, these three-joint complexes can be thought of as forming three columns that support the head’s weight pushing directly down on the cervical spine. When one of these columns starts to degenerate, it can alter forces on the others and cause them to also be more likely to degenerate. It develops when one or more of the cushioning discs in the cervical spine start to break down due to wear and tear.


The Acupressure Research Training & Treatment Institute – Prayagraj, has given treatment for degeneration of upper cervical joints. The treatment involves placing the white side of Byol magnet on the bone of the joint JD 3 on the big toe of the right foot (see figure). If the lower cervical joints are affected place the Byol magnet on Point JD 2 (see figure). Hold these magnets in place with a surgical tape.

Persistent pain can be debilitating and can affect daily life. This simple treatment can bring relief for people suffering from these problem. However, it is advisable to seek professional help is pain persists.

(For more treatments, visit the website


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