Actors Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda are all set to the tie the knot on March 13 in Delhi's Manesar, and ahead of their wedding, the lovebirds were seen jetting off to the national capital on Tuesday. The wedding glow was evident on their faces and they were all smiles as the paps congratulated them.
Pulkit and Kriti met on the sets of their film Pagalpanti in 2019 and they have been dating ever since. While the two never shied away from accepting their relationship in public, they have remained tightlipped about the date and details of their impending wedding.
Pulkit was born in Delhi on December 29, 1983, and at present, he is aged 40. On the other hand, Kriti too was born in Delhi on October 29, 1990, and the 33-year-old actress spent her teens and youth in the national capital before moving to Mumbai for work.
Pulkit and Kriti have an age difference of seven years, but despite that, their love is strong as ever, and they are often seen tagging each other as "best friends".
For those unversed, this will also be Pulkit's second marriage. He was previously married to Salman Khan's rakhi sister Shweta Rohira, however, they filed for divorce and parted ways within a year of thier marriage.
As per reports, Pulkit and Kriti's wedding will be a four-day affair in Manesar and it will be attended by the closest friends and family members of the couple. "Can't wait to celebrate with our squad!" the text on their leaked wedding invite read.
The cast members of Fukrey, including Varun Sharma and Manjot Singh are expected to attend the wedding.