It was indeed a merry Christmas for Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor and he was seen in high spirits on Monday as he caught up with the entire Kapoor family for their annual lunch ritual. Like every year, this year too, the whole Kapoor clan got together for their customary lunch on Christmas and it was a day full of laughter and celebration for them.
Several photos and videos from the family lunch have now surfaced online and in one of them, the entire family can be seen gathered around the dining table, all set to cut the Christmas cake. As Kunal Kapoor geared up to cut the cake, his son Zahan Kapoor could be seen pouring alcohol over it, and it was then that an excited Ranbir lit up the entire cake.
And as the family members clapped and cheered, Ranbir was heard chanting "Jai Mata Di", leaving everyone in splits.
Almost the whole of Kapoor clan and their related families gathered at Kunal's place on Monday, including Ranbir, Alia, Karisma Kapoor, Navya Nanda, Agastya Nanda, Rima Jain, Aadar Jain, Armaan Jain, and others. A few of them, like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Neetu Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, gave the party a miss.
Meanwhile, Ranbir and Alia also finally showed the face of their 1-year-old daughter Raha to the media and fans for the first time on Monday, and the little one definitely stole the show. She looked like the cutest button as dad Ranbir held her tight in his arms and she looked at the paps with curiosity as they greeted and wished her.
Raha clearly broke the internet and netizens tagged her as the cutest star kid, with some even drawing similarities between her and her grandfather Rishi Kapoor, as well as great grandfather, the legendary Raj Kapoor.