Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Thursday, and while the paps were delighted to see him, the actor did not seem to share the mood. In stead, he was seen getting irritated as the shutterbugs interacted with him.
A video of their exchange has now gone viral on the internet in which Saif can be seen entering the Mumbai airport, and as soon as he stepped out of his car, the paps surrounded him. The Sacred Games actor wore a blue kurta with matching loose pants.
As the paps called out to him, he made a quick stop and posed for the cameras, and that is when a photographer told him that he was standing against the light, hence, they were unable to click good pictures.
But a visibly irritated snapped at the shutterbugs, saying, "Toh main kya karu?", before walking away, inside the airport.
Saif's interaction with the paps did not go down well with netizens, who criticised the actor for being "arrogant". "So much of attitude!" a user commented, while another wrote, "Aise ghamandi logon ke photos hi kyun khichte ho".
Saif Ali Khan's upcoming projects
On the work front, Saif will be next seen sharing the screen with Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor in the highly-anticipated film, Devara. The film is scheduled to release in October this year, and is directed by Koratala Siva.
Besides, he will be also seen collaborating with Pathaan director Siddharth Anand for his next, titled Jewel Thief - The Red Sun Chapter.