Renowned Bengali actress Rituparna Sengupta was brutally mobbed and was forced to leave the venue after she decided to participate in a protest in Kolkata on Wednesday night. She joined the 'Ratri Dokhol' protest in the city to demand justice for the trainee doctor who was raped and murdered, but instead, she was heckled and was asked to leave by an angry group.
Videos of the incident have now gone viral, in which a group of protestors can be seen blocking Rituparna's path. A woman was also seen angrily yelling at the actress, and the latter tried to calm the situation down, but in vain. She was eventually forced to leave the venue to avoid any untoward incident.
Rituparna later called the entire incident 'hooliganism' and claimed that the group of protestors was drunk. "I was there to express agony just like others. Suddenly, a large group appeared out of nowhere and started pushing me. They created chaos and pandemonium. They started pushing me and I tripped. They were drunk. There was a stampede-like situation," she told India Today.
Several users took to social media to question the incident and called it ironical. "Does she not have a right to express herself? She is also a woman. Does she not deserve a safe environment to protest?" a user asked.
"Who are these people wearing the masks of a protestor? Are they really looking for justice?," another user wrote.
On Wednesday night, hundreds of women took to the streets of not just Kolkata, but entire West Bengal, as part of the Ratri Dokhol campaign or 'Reclaim The Night' campaign. The protest was organised to condemn the brutal rape and murder of the trainee doctor at Kolkata's RG Kar Hospital.