The creators revealed the long-awaited teaser for Fighter, India's inaugural aerial action film. Siddharth Anand directs the movie featuring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor in prominent roles. The storyline revolves around Hrithik and Deepika portraying Indian Air Force pilots.
The teaser, lasting 1 minute and 16 seconds, garners attention for its impressive visual effects crafted by Prime Focus, a company owned by Namit Malhotra. Prime Focus previously handled the VFX for the film Brahmastra, starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.
The slow-motion shot of Hrithik, accompanied by the waving of the Indian flag, is unparalleled. The exceptional visual effects effortlessly elevate Fighter to the same level as other high-quality productions. Siddharth, renowned for directing major action films in India such as Bang Bang, War and Pathaan earlier this year, transitions to don the producer's hat with Fighter. The film is anticipated to offer moviegoers an immense spectacle, promising an unprecedented cinematic experience on the big screen.
Recently, the creators unveiled the initial glimpses of the three main characters. Hrithik takes on the character of Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania, also known as Patty, while Deepika portrays Squadron Leader Minal Rathore, and Anil assumes the role of Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh.
It's evident that Fighter marks the inaugural collaboration between Hrithik and Deepika on the silver screen. Additionally, it signifies the second collaboration for Hrithik with Siddharth after War, while it's Deepika's third film with the filmmaker after Bachna Ae Haseeno and Pathaan.
Fighter pays homage to the Indian armed forces, strategically timed for release during the Republic Day weekend and scheduled to hit theaters on January 25, 2024.