At 61, Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty has been proving that age is just a number, as he was recently seen packing punches and delivering hardhitting characters with shows like 'Hunter Tootega Nahi Todega' and 'Dharavi Bank'. While the actor has successfully managed to earn a place for himself in the industry today, his adolscence and initial days were not as easy as it seems.
Shetty recently revealed that there was a time when he used to get calls from the underworld and that he has done some "crazy stuff" in life which he has never even shared with his children.
He also recalled how his father moved places in the city to provide their kids with a safe environment to grow up in.
'Used to get calls from underworld': Suniel Shetty
Speaking on his journey on TheBarberShop with Shantanu podcast, Shetty revealed that around the time he was actively working in the film industry, he got calls from people belonging to the underworld who threatened him. "I used to abuse back. I had cops telling me, 'Listen, you're crazy. They'll get upset and they could do anything'," he said.
He added that he asked cops to protect him if they were scared for him as he had done nothing wrong. "That's the background I came from. I have never told Athiya and Ahaan what I have done. I have done some crazy stuff. Got injured, got out of it and self-healed. And that’s where, from a fitness perspective, I always say, ‘Time is the best healer’," he shared.
Shetty also revealed that his family lived in the Lamington Road area earlier, where the first "golden gang of Mumbai" came up. He stated that though his father's business was thriving in the locality, he did not want his kids to grow up in that area.
"He begged, borrowed, stole. He did not steal, but they moved into an area with better culture, better schools, better people," the actor stated about his father.
Suniel Shetty's upcoming projects
On the work front, Shetty is finally set to return as Shyam in the blockbuster franchise of 'Hera Pheri'. The cult classic has been renewed for another installment after several years of wait, and fans cannot keep calm.
He also recently launched his food delivery app in association with the AHAR - Association Hotel and Restaurant.