Actors Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, who are busy promoting their much-awaited horror-comedy Stree 2, have collaborated with Bhojpuri star Pawan Singh for a fun reel. This promotional video features the trio dancing to the song Aayi Nai which is quickly winning over the internet.
In the latest reel, shared collaboratively by Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, Maddock Films, Jio Studios, and Saregama India on their Instagram accounts on Saturday, the actors can be seen shaking a leg with Pawan Singh. Their energetic and playful dance to the 'Aayi Nai' song has delighted fans and increased excitement for the upcoming film.
Sung by Madhubanti Bagchi and composed by the dynamic duo Sachin-Jigar, Aaj Ki Raat is choreographed by Vijay Ganguly.
In the song, Tamannaah Bhatia sets the stage on fire with her dance moves. Dressed in a stunning green outfit, she captivates the people of Chanderi.
The film promises a return to the spooky yet hilarious world where the legendary Stree continues to terrify men.
Stree was released in 2018 and was declared a hit. The sequel will be out in theatres in August this year. 'Oo Stree Kal Aana', a phrase from the movie, has been repeatedly used in memes.
The film's music also gained significant attention with tracks like 'Milegi Milegi' and 'Aao Kabhi Haveli Pe'.Amar Kaushik has directed both parts. Stree 2 will hit the theatres on August 15.