Shyamchi Aai is a Marathi film starring Om Bhutkar, Gauri Deshpande and Sandeep Pathak in the lead roles. The film was released in theatres on the auspicious occasion of Diwali in November 10, 2023, and it started streaming on OTT from August 13.
Release date and platform of Shyamchi Aai
The black and white film is streaming on Amazon Prime Video. It is based on the life of social activist, Pandurang Sadashiv Sane, also known as 'Sane Guruji'.
The story is set in the pre-independence era and revolves around the life of a young boy named Pandurang Sadashiv Sane. He decides to become a social activist when he sees his parents suffering from extreme poverty. The film aims to showcase the deep affection between a child and a mother during a crisis.
The film features Om Bhutkar as Pandurang Sadashiv Sane, Sandeep Pathak as Bhaurao, Gauri Deshpande as Yashoda, Sarang Sathaye as Vinoba Bhave, Sunil Abhyankar as Vamanrao, Bhushan Vikas as Balwantrao, Rachana Kadam as Shyam's elder sister, Deesha Katkar, Urmila Jagtap and Jyoti Chandekar as Durvanchi Aaji, among others.
About Shyamchi Aai
The film is directed by Sujay Dahake and produced by Amruta Arun Rao under the banner of Amruta Films and Pune Film Company. Vijay Mishra has done the cinematography and B Mahanyeshwar has edited the film. Ashok Patki has composed the music with Aabha Soumitra and Panorama Studios has distributed the movie.