Actor Gagan Dev Riar, who is currently seen in director Tushar Hiranandani’s Scam 2003 The Telgi Story shares, “There was no pressure as such but since Scam 1992 was such a big hit so there was a bit of nervousness. But, Hansal sir (Mehta) made it really easy for me. He told me to not worry and don’t think that I would be compared with the earlier season or Pratik Gandhi. He also told me to deliver with utmost honesty.”
“Hansal sir told me clearly that I don’t have to copy or imitate as it is based on a real life person. He asked me to enact that how Gagan would play a character like that. I made my own interpretation of how he walks, or talk with the locals. I didn’t want to make it caricature,” he adds.
“Comparisons are bound to happen but I came across several opposing views. A few fans wrote that there’s no need to compare Gagan and Pratik as both of us played different people,” he continues.
Gagan, who has received critical acclaim didn’t think yet as to what kind of roles he wants to explore post the success of Scam 2003 The Telgi Story. “I didn’t think as of now because of the euphoria surrounding me. I am busy receiving love and want to enjoy my present,” he concludes.