Popular television actress and former Bigg Boss contestant Dipika Kakar recently revealed that she fell prey to an online delivery scam. The Sasural Simar Ka actress also issued a warning about the scam and informed her followers that she received packages at her home that she didn't order.
Dipika shared a video on her official YouTube account to share her experience. She also asked her fans to be aware of online fraud and the importance of verifying the authenticity of unexpected parcels and deliveries.
In the video, Dipika said she frequently orders things for herself and for her son Ruhaan. Recalling an incident which happened a couple of days back, the actress stated that the delivery person said she had to pay cash when the order arrived. After she paid, they asked for a one time password (OTP) that was sent to her mobile phone.
Dipika further confessed that she paid for the order without giving it much thought. However, when she opened the parcel, she was shocked to find that it contained items she had not ordered. However, Dipika added in the video that the package had her name, address and mobile number.
In the video, Dipika also revealed that it is a scam as they keep sending more packages and calling and insisting to give them the OTP, which is actually a trick to get the code and take money from bank accounts.
"I spoke to a about it, and she checked with a few more people. Yes, this is a scam where items are delivered to your doorstep without your consent. They repeatedly call you, claiming they are delivering parcels. I want to urge everyone to be cautious – do not accept the order, and under no circumstances should you provide the OTP. Check the seller's details on the package to determine whether it is genuine or a scam. Only then should you proceed with any payment," the former Bigg Boss contestant said.
Dipika and her actor-husband Shoaib Ibrahim are quite active on social media and they keep treating their fans with their loved-up pictures and fun reels. The two tied the knot with each other on February 22, 2018.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Dipika, who became a household name with her character Simar from the show 'Sasural Simar Ka', returned for the second season of the show, and made her exit in two months.