Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who is enjoying the success of his latest film Tiger 3, took some time off his busy schedule to attend choreographer Mudassar Khan's wedding reception. Mudassar tied the knot with actress and former Splitsvilla contestant Riya Kishanchandani on December 2 in the presence of their close friends and family members.
A video has gone viral on social media platforms in which Salman is gracing their reception. Salman opted for casuals and was seen wearing jeans and black shirt. The now-viral video shows him entering the venue and greeting the groom.
Mudassar has choreographed Salman's songs like Humka Peeni Hai (Dabangg), Desi Beat (Bodyguard), Dhinka Chika and Character Dheela Hai (Ready), Pandey Ji Seeti (Dabangg 2), Prem Leela (Prem Ratan Dhan Payo) and others.
Take a look at the video here:
On December 3, newlyweds Mudassar and Riya took to their official Instagram accounts to share their dreamy wedding photos.
"Alhumdulillah, Married, to the most beautiful person in the world. @riya_kishanchandani ❤️Thank you to both of our families for all the support and love from all of our friends and loved ones. Dua mein yaad rakhna," the choreographer captioned his post.
In the photos, the couple is seen twinning in off-white traditional outfits.
Soon after he shared the post, celebrities like Amruta Khanvilkar, Mrunal Thakur, Kritika Kamra, Yuvika Prince Narula, Geeta Kapur, Sugandhaa S Misshra and others congratulated the couple.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Mudassar was also seen as a judge in the dance reality television series Dance India Dance. On the other hand, Riya has been a part of projects like Mera Hona Ki Nahin Hona, Swag Di Sawari and Tenu Dasseya. She also participated in Splitsvilla 13.