Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor was recently at the receiving end of severe backlash after his wife, actress Alia Bhatt claimed in an interview that he hates it when she applies lipstick and asks her to "wipe it off". The actor was slammed by netizens and was labelled as "toxic" and a "red flag", and he has now finally addressed the issue.
In a recent interview, Ranbir opened up on the entire episode, and said that he was fine with people using him as the "face of toxic masculinity".
He also mentioned how he has learnt to take certain things with a pinch of salt because a certain image of the actor has been created in the minds of people owing to the kind of roles he plays on screen.
Ranbir Kapoor addresses Alia's lipstick comment
During the interview, Ranbir stated that he can easily escape negativity and trolling as he is not on social media, but believes that just like positive feedback, the negativity is also important for an artist to grow and self-evaluate.
Addressing the entire fiasco over the lipstick comment, Ranbir said, "I was reading some article about being toxic and something relating to some statement I made and I understand this. And I am on the side of the people who are fighting for the toxic masculinity, if they use me as the face of it, it’s fine because their fight is bigger than just me feeling bad about them having an opinion about what I said."
He went on to say that he is fine with people forming opinions about him, be it positive or negative, because he leads a public life. He added that the only thing he wants from people is that they give his work a chance and allow him to showcase his acting chops.
Ranbir's upcoming projects
Meanwhile, on the work front, Ranbir is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film Animal, which, in his own words, is the "darkest film" of his career.
Going by the teaser of Animal, the film is set to highlight the toxic relationship between a father (played by Anil Kapoor) and his son, Ranbir, with power tussle and violence at its centre.
Ranbir will feature in a never-seen-before avatar in the film, and the teaser promises intense action on screen.
Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, and also starring Rashmika Mandanna and Bobby Deol, Animal is slated to hit the silver screens on December 1, 2023.