The makers unveiled the trailer of Main Atal Hoon on Wednesday in Mumbai. The film is based on the life of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who served as the Prime Minister of India thrice during his tenure. The Bharat Ratna and Padma Vibhushan recipient was also one of the key senior leaders and co-founder of Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP). Actor Pankaj Tripathi would be portraying the role of an efficient statesman.
“I did know a lot about Atal ji but I wanted to read more about this wonderful personality in details. Undeniably, reaching the sets starting with wearing prosthetics and make up I would take about 2 hours to get into the character. I worked a lot to know his exact emotional IQ of him to utmost perfection. Truly speaking, after reprising the role of this most humble gentleman I have changed from within. I have understood the right meaning of life,” Pankaj reveals.
“I always find an entertainment element in whatever I choose to perform. Also, strike a balance in choosing both art as well commercial films. It is a very difficult thing to do. Selection between the two if at all there is a date clash— I am a greedy actor so I will try to choose both, even if both projects go on the floors simultaneously. It’s very simple, if the makers want to see you in that character they will surely adjust the date’s .And I will not like to leave any film. I have been doing this for so many years. Also, I will try to give my best,” he gushes.
Producer Vinod Bhanushali shares, “When as a producer, I decided to make this film on Atal ji, it felt like as if blessings were showered onto us. We had no political reason but wanted to make a film which will always be remembered throughout our life. Also, our first and the only choice was Pankaj Tripathi. Director Ravi Jadhav, who penned it on paper so well, the film happened only because of our two time National award winner. This film was possible only with the dedication lent by the entire team. It is no more a film but a magic. I am sure audiences will like it.”
Director Ravi Jadhav tells, "Accepting this challenge of bringing the life history of Prime Minister Atal ji was a huge challenge but when the challenge becomes tough, our team became tougher. I was really fortunate to get this team. Vinod Bhanushali as a producer stood by me at every moment adding luck.”
“Pankaj ji also lent his support to me. They made my difficult task much easier. Whenever I watched Pankaj ji on monitor, one thing crossed my mind— What would Atal ji say after watching this film? I am very sure Atal jee will feel very nice wherever he will be. He was not only the Prime Minister but an artist as well. We have made this film wholeheartedly,” he signs off.