In a shocking turn of events, actress Dolly Sohi, who had recently opened up on her cancer battle, passed away on Friday morning, hours after her sister Amandeep Sohi breathed her last. The news of the two deaths was confirmed by the members of the Sohi family.
Amandeep was reportedly suffering from jaundice and she succumbed to it in the late hours of Thursday. And just hours after her demise, her sister, actress Dolly Sohi, who was battling cervical cancer, passed away in the early hours of Friday.
"Our beloved Dolly has left for her heavenly abode today early morning. We are in a state of shock with the loss. The final rites shall be conducted today afternoon," the Sohi family said in a statement.
It was only a few days ago that Amandeep had shared a happy picture with Dolly, along with the caption, "Sisters make the best friends in the world".
The Sohi family mentioned that both the sisters were undergoing treatment at the same hospital in Mumbai. Amandeep had been admitted at the hospital for quite some time now and was being treated for jaundice.
Dolly, who was also undergoing chemotherapy, too was at the hospital, and after Amandeep's demise, their brother had stated that the Jhanak actress was stable.
However, he condition deteriorated during the night, and she breathed her last at 4 am on Friday.
Amandeep was best known for her role in the show Badtameez Dil. Dolly, on the other hand, has been a part of numerous daily soaps, including, Jhanak, Kalash, Parineetii, Meri Durga, Kumkum Bhagya, and others.