Bollywood filmmaker and choreographer Farah Khan visited Mumbai's iconic Lalbaugcha Raja pandal to seek blessings on Tuesday. She was accompanied by her friends and actor Sonu Sood. Several photos and videos have surfaced on social media in which the filmmaker is seen entering the pandal and offering prayers.
Farah also took to her official Instagram account to share a video of the Ganpati idol and said she had the 'most amazing darshan'. She also thanked the security, volunteers and cops for handling the crowd daily with 'care and understanding'.
However, soon after Farah shared the video, she was trolled for her visit. A user commented, "I thought she was Muslim."
The filmmaker was in no mood to ignore the troll and she decided to give a befitting one-word reply. She asked, "So?"
Farah is quite active on social media and she often posts pictures and videos to share updates about her personal and professional life.
She celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with RajKummar Rao, Patralekhaa and Huma Qureshi. She gave a glimpse of the celebration by sharing a photo in which she is seen posing with the actresses. The trio was seen with their hands folded.
Her post garnered love from her fans and followers, however, a user also criticised her for wearing chappal while offering prayers to Bappa. But Farah was quick to clarify that she was not near Lord Ganesha's idol when the photo was being clicked.
"Plz remove ur slippers in front of ganesha," a troll commented on her post. To this, the Main Hoon Na director replied, "We were outside the house thank you very much."
Meanwhile, on the work front, Farah has been credited with the choreography of the song 'Chaleya' from Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara's film 'Jawan'.