Actors Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika, who have been rumoured to be dating for a while now, took to their respective social media handles and shared posts on the occasion of Diwali. The duo posted pictures in ethnic ensembles, with the same caption, “Happy Diwali my loves.” While Vijay posed with his family, Rashmika shared a solo picture. However, eagle-eyed netizens pointed out that they were at Vijay’s home and celebrated the festival together.
One user wrote, “Who all agree that she's in Vijay Devarakonda's house??”, “In Vijay Deverakonda's home same wall, Vijay also posted,” added another.
For those unversed, Rashmika was recently in the headlines after a 'deepfake' video of hers was shared on social media. The Delhi police filed an FIR in connection with the incident and have also written to Meta to provide the URL of the account.
Rashmika reacted to the same and wrote a lengthy note on social media, saying, “I feel really hurt to share this and have to talk about the deepfake video of me being spread online. Something like this is honestly, extremely scary not only for me, but also for each one of us who today is vulnerable to so much harm because of how technology is being misused.”
“Today, as a woman and as an actor, I am thankful for my family, friends and well wishers who are my protection and support system. But if this happened to me when I was in school or college, I genuinely can’t imagine how could I ever tackle this. We need to address this as a community and with urgency before more of us are affected by such identity theft,” she added.
Vijay also reacted to the incident and wrote, “Extremely important steps for the future. This shouldn't happen to anyone. Also, an efficient accessible cyber wing for quick crackdowns and punishment will make people more secure.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Rashmika will be seen in 'Animal' opposite Ranbir Kapoor which is slated to release on December 1.