Renowned singer Kumar Sanu recently criticised Tollywood celebrities for their silence on the horrific Kolkata rape and murder case. The incident, which involved the brutal assault and killing of a medical student, has sparked widespread outrage across the nation.
A video surfaced on X, in which Kumar talked about how Tollywood celebs have not spoken about the Kolkata rape and murder case. He said, “Kolkata ka jo kaand hua usme humare Bollywood nahi, Tollywood ke kaunsa log aaye bahar nikal ke. Merko ek ka naam boliye, ye log koi response nahi diya. Dar hai hum bolega toh uske baad kya hone wala hai. Ye jo baad wala soch, ye in log ko khaye jata hai. Inke andar koi guts, himmat kuch hai hi nahi.”
He further added that celebrities are ashamed to talk about it. While he posted about the issue on his social media when the incident happened.
Kumar feels one should speak the truth no matter what, as it shouldn't reach a point where you face the trouble. "I'm saying this to the people of Calcutta, this is not the time to accept such situations. If you don't think about it now, it will reach your home," he added.
He also emphasised that celebrities, who hold significant influence and have a platform to bring attention to critical issues, should speak out against such heinous crimes.
About Kolkata Rape Case
On Friday, August 9, the semi-nude body of an on-duty female postgraduate trainee (PGT) doctor was discovered in the lecture hall of a government-run hospital in Kolkata.