Former actress Zaira Wasim, who was last seen in Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar's The Sky Is Pink, recently reacted to a picture of a woman eating in a niqab. Zaira penned a strong note defending the woman and said that it is her choice.
On Sunday, a Twitter user shared a photo of a woman eating with her hand while wearing the niqab which covered her face completely. The user asked, "Is this a choice of a human being?"
Reacting to the picture, Zaira tweeted, "Just attended a wedding. Ate exactly like this. Purely my choice. Even when everyone around me kept nagging me that I take the niqab off. I didn’t. We don’t do it for you. Deal with it."
Netizens react to Zaira's tweet
Soon fater Zaira shared her views, netizens flooded the comments section with praises. A user wrote, "May Allah give you more power and dignity to follow your religion. Ameen."
Another wrote in her support, "Yes totally your choice and everyone should respect it. At the same time you should know that Sara Ali Khan gets abused/trolled for praying in Hindu temples and Ira Khan for wearing Bikini. Try supporting their activities as their choice. Same set of people who are praising you will talk to you in a different way. To summarise, they don't respect your choice unless it aligns with what they consider to be right."
Last year, Zaira had strongly spoken against the ban on hijab in Karnataka schools. "Stacking this bias against Muslim women and setting up systems where they should have to decide between education and hijab or to give up either is an absolute injustice. You’re attempting to compel them to make a very specific choice that feeds your agenda and then criticising them while they're imprisoned in what you've constructed," she wrote on social media.
Zaira Wasim made her debut at the age of 15 with Dangal opposite Aamir Khan, Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra. She also starred in Secret Superstar and The Sky Is Pink.
However, she then announced that she would quit films since her acting career was at odds with her faith.