Veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah, who was most recently seen in the second season of the historical fiction streaming show 'Taj' has invited backlash for his recent statements on Pakistan and Muslims. After he courted controversy for his use of Filmfare Award trophies, claiming Sindhi is no longer spoken in Pakistan, he has now been slammed by his contemporary Mukesh Khanna, for saying, “Muslim hating has become fashionable these days, even among educated people.”
Khanna wrote on Instagram, “I came to know after seeing Naseeruddin Shah that a great actor can say such a cheap and childish thing. It is said that Muslims are not safe in India. Sakshi, Shraddha, Ankita incident, apart from vandalism in Kanpur Hanuman temple, even after the gruesome incident of the beheading of a tailor in broad daylight, you have to say They have the audacity that Muslims are not safe in our country.”
He added, “If there is anyone unsafe, they are 100 crore Hindus only. You have become a fanatic which does not suit you as an actor. If so, then join the gang promoting the team of love jihad. You have to think otherwise people have to stop watching your films. God bless you!!!”
Naseeruddin Shah's controversial statements
The veteran actor has been all over the news of late as many of his comments have not gone down well with the people.
Until a couple of days back, he was being slammed by celebs and netizens for claiming that he used Filmfare Awards as door handles for his washroom. He even stated that he does not take pride in winning such awards.
Later, he was criticised by filmmakers Ashoke Pandit and Subhash Ghai for "disrespecting" the coveted award show. Manoj Bajpayee too mentioned how Filmfare awards give recognition to actors and their work.