Rakul Preet Singh’s recently released Tamil-Telugu bilingual horror film, ‘Boo’, is making quite the noise. Helmed by Vijay, the movie recently premiered in Hindi on Jio Cinema. The year 2023 looks bright for the actress who has quite a few films in her kitty with great directors. Here, the actress opens up about the horror-comedy, collaborating with ace filmmakers, and more. Excerpts:
Boo is based on the Halloween party concept. What made you say yes to the film?
This is the Halloween concept; when the film came to me it was during the lockdown. Vijay sir told me he was making a film on this concept and will do it from start to finish in one house. The entire story takes place in one night. It's a different story and I would like you to hear the narration. It has multiple stories intertwined with one another with a multi-cast. I thought he is going to make an all-girls film in the pandemic and something different from what I have done. That's how the movie happened.
Your performance has been appreciated by critics...
It feels great even if one person appreciates your work. When audiences like your work you feel that you are doing something right. You always keep hoping to get them as you are nothing without their love. You also try to keep giving better films and a variety of stuff.
Many South films are eventually released in Hindi. Is Boo treading on the same footsteps?
I think it's great. For years we have been watching Western movies and now we are watching Korean, French films... There are no boundaries for cinema and languages in today’s times. It is great if more people get to watch your films.
How was it working with directors like Vijay, Ravi Kumar, S Shankar (Indian 2) and Ravi Kumar (Ayalaan)?
Vijay is a very driven and good director. He knows exactly what he wants. It was a delight to work with him. Working with Shankar sir is a dream come true. He is a legendary director and for any actor to be working in the same frame with Kamal sir is a dream. I’m grateful I have this film. Ravi Kumar is a visionary. Ayalaan is sci-fi. The scale of the film is high and it's children-friendly. He is a hard-working director and puts his life into the film.