The controversial game show Bigg Boss 17 is back on television and one of the most sensational names on the show this year is former journalist Jigna Vora, who was jailed after being falsely accused of having underworld ties and playing a key role in the murder of another journalist, J Dey.
In the latest episode, Jigna was seen interacting with the media and recalling the harrowing details of her trial after Bigg Boss called for a special press conference for her.
During the press conference, Jigna was seen telling sarcastically telling the journalists present that she has reached this point in her life today because of the media.
Jigna recalls painful media trial
Jigna stated that she herself was a crime journalist and she felt betrayed by her own fraternity when they went all out to defame her and sensationalise her case after she was arrested.
She recalled that an editor of another publication spread word and even wrote about it that Jigna slept around with people to reach the position that she was at back then before getting arrested.
"Being a woman, she did not think twice before questioning my character. She too was the editor of a reputed publication. So does it mean that she too slept with her higher-ups to get the position?" Jigna questioned.
'My 90-year-old grandfather was mobbed'
She also shared that though she has moved on in life, there is this one incident which she would never forget.
"After I was arrested, my 90-year-old grandfather visited the Crime Branch office to give me clothes. And while he left the building with a walking stick, barely able to walk through the rocky road, he was mobbed by reporters outside, and all I could do was witness the whole incident helplessly from a tiny window," she shared, tearing up.
She added that the media did not even bother to show the 90-year-old man any compassion. Not just that, but she also shared how some personal details which she had shared with a colleague, thinking she was a friend, were used by the person against Jigna after she was arrested.
Jigna was later seen telling the housemates that she did not really participate in Bigg Boss 17 to win, but to tell her story to the world and inspire others with similar experiences and hardships.