A Bhojpuri actress has lodged a complaint stating that she was raped by a man she befriended on Instagram. According to her, the man called her at a hotel in Gurugram on the pretext of an interview and committed the heinous act. Reportedly, the actress resides in Delhi and boasts a large number of followers on Instagram.
As per the police, the actress befriended the accused named Mahesh Pandey via Instagram. He offered her work in Bhojpuri films. In order to escalate their work process, Mahesh called the actress to a hotel in Gurugram for an interview on June 29.
In her statement, the actress alleged, "When I reached the hotel, Mahesh had already booked a room with a fake ID named Subhash where he took me and after asking some questions, he started drinking and after that, when I asked him to go, he raped me."
The actress further stated that Mahesh threatened to kill her after hurling abuses. As per reports, Mahesh is a resident of Chakkarpur area in Gurugram.
An FIR has been registered in Udyog Vihar police station under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) including rape, and threatening. ACP Crime Varun Dahiya said that the team is taking action in the matter.