Today, the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) has released the Seat Allotment Result for WBJEE 2023 on their official website,
Candidates who have applied for admission to Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture courses at universities, government colleges and self-financed institutes through WBJEE 2023 will get WBJEE 2023 seat allotment results
Steps to access the WBJEE 2023 Seat Allotment Result:
1. Visit the official website of WBJEEB,
2. Once on the website's homepage, they can look for the "Seat Allotment Result" link and click on it.
3. After clicking on the link, candidates will be redirected to a new page where they need to provide their login credentials. This includes their WBJEE 2023 Roll Number and Date of Birth. Upon successful login, candidates can view their individual seat allotment status.
4. Next, candidates must report to the allotted institute within the specified time frame mentioned in the allotment letter. At the institute, they should complete the admission formalities, including document verification and fee payment, to secure their admission to the allotted course.
Mock seat allocation results based on choices filled-in by candidates was displayed on July 27. After that, they were allowed to modify and lock their choices by July 28.
After WBJEE 2023 round 1 seat allotment result is announced, selected candidates have to make payment of the seat acceptance fee between August 1 and August 5. They will also have to report at the allotted institutions for document verification and admission during this time.