Recently, the Delhi High Court has directed the Central Administrative Tribunal to promptly look into the decision on the demands of reducing the cut-off for UPSC. This is with respect to the second part of the Civil Services Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in 2023.
Following that, the court has instructed the tribunal to hold a hearing with all concerned people and stakeholders. The forthcoming hearing is scheduled to be on July 6.
Court with UPSC CSE applications:
Justice C Harishankar and Justice Manoj Jain, focused on the need for prompt disposal of the applications submitted by the candidates involved in the Civil Services Examination.
Presently, the bench has refrained from issuing any interim orders in this regard. The students had challenged the tribunal's June 9 order, which had rejected their request for a reduction in the cutoff without allowing any arguments to be presented.
Students have argued about this issue and that it needs immediate attention.