The Bihar School Examination Board has released the admit card for the BSEB Bihar D.El.Ed 2024 exam. The official website now hosts the 2024 entrance exam for the Diploma in Elementary Education, or D.EI.Ed.
All of the crucial exam-day instructions, such as the times, items to bring, and attire code, will be included on your admit card.
How to download?
Candidates cannot access the official website without their registration number and password.
Candidates must first go to, the official website of the Bihar State Education Board.
On the homepage, select the link labeled "Bihar D.El.Ed Admit Card 2024."
The website will now prompt you to enter your login information before pressing the submit button.
You should now be able to view the details of your admit card on a new page that opens on your computer.
Verify that the details are correct.
After it has been verified, download the card and store it on your computer as a PDF file.
Printing out the form is also suggested, as you'll need to bring it to the testing location on exam day.
Exam date and pattern
The dates of the BSEB Bihar D.El.Ed 2024 exam are March 30 to April 28. Numerous locations in different cities, such as Patna, Bhojpur, Bhagalpur, Sara (Chapra), Siwan, Darbhanga, Gaya, Muzaffarpur, and Purnia, will host the exam. There will be two shifts for the exam. There will be two shifts: a first shift from 10 am to 12:30 pm and a second shift from 3 pm to 5:30 pm.
Computer-based testing, or CBT, will be used to administer the BSEB Bihar D.El.Ed 2024 exam. There will be 120 multiple-choice questions on the test, each worth one mark. A total of two hours and thirty minutes will be given to candidates to complete their papers. Candidates should be aware that there won't be any deductions for answering test questions incorrectly.