Lucknow: Lucknow Police have arrested a man in connection with the video of car stunt that went viral on social media. The man was seen performing crazy stunt in his car in Lucknow's posh Hazratganj area. The video went viral on social media and it can be seen in the video that the man is performing dangerous stunt in his car at Lal Chowk in Hazratganj.
The man is seen in the video continuously spinning the car
The man is seen in the video performing the stunt and continuously spinning his Black Honda WR-V car in the middle of the road at Atal Chowk in Hazratganj. The onlookers and the passersby were surprised to the car spinning at such high speed on the road. The incident occurred on Friday (February 2) at 12:44 AM in the night. The onlookers recorded the video of the man performing the stunt and made the video viral on social media.
Lucknow Police came into action after the video went viral
Lucknow Police came into action after the video went viral on social media and arrested the accused for performing the dangerous stunt. The police have also seized the car in which the accused was performing the deadly stunt. As per the police, a video of a car performing stunts at Hazratganj was uploaded on social media on February 2. A case under section 279/336 of the IPC was registered against the vehicle driver with registration number UP32JD7552.
The Hazratganj Police promptly acted upon the incident
The police also said that the Hazratganj Police promptly acted after the video of the stunt hit the internet and arrested the accused who has been identified as Bhavendra Singh (34) who is a resident of Rajajipuram in Lucknow. The police further said that the vehicle was seized on the spot and legal action has been taken against the accused for violating the law.