Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A fire broke out in a shop near Phooti Kothi Square due to unknown reasons on Monday morning. Four members of a family including two kids residing at the house above the shop were trapped inside. However, they were rescued by the fire-brigade after an hour of rescue operation. No casualties were reported.
According to fire brigade personnel, the incident of fire was reported in a shop selling religious items in front of Phooti Kothi. Shop owner Sandeep Porwal said his family of eight members were sleeping on the first floor, while the shop is on the ground floor where the fire broke out. The passage to the house goes through the shop and he was informed around 6am that a fire broke out in his shop. He woke up his family members and sent them outside.
The entire house was engulfed with smoke. His mother Manjula (60), wife Amruta (38), daughter Navya (9) and brother Ashish (40) safely came out. However, Sandeep (42), his sister-in-law Renuka (33), niece Renisha (5) and nephew Jainish (3) were trapped inside. Ashish was trying to douse the fire. The fire brigade came and rescued the trapped members from the second floor with a ladder. All were safely rescued and the fire was extinguished with 5k litres of water after an hour's effort. Sandeep said the presence of rats in his shop could have caused a short circuit, leading to the fire. Items worth lakhs of rupees were gutted in the blaze.