Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Wednesday participated in Tiranga Yatra organised as a part of 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign in Bhopal and said that it was being take out ahead of Independence Day to remind the people about the patriotism and the tragic story of partition.
He also said that we all should resolve that that day (partition of nation) should never come again.
"I extend my congratulations to MLA Rameshwar Sharma who organised the longest Tiranga Yatra as a part of 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign in Bhopal. The 'Tiranga Yatra' being taken out ahead of Independence Day is to remind the people about the patriotism and tragic story of partition of India. We all should resolve that that day should never come again. I extend my congratulations to everyone on this occasion," CM Yadav told reporters.
Ahead of the Tiranga Yatra, CM Yadav addressed the gathering and held the Congress responsible for the partition of the nation saying that the then Congress leaders had said that the country would not be divided but all the promises were false and the country was partitioned.
"The then veteran Congress leaders had said that the nation would not be divided but unfortunately I have to say that all the promises were false and the country landed in the grip of the terrible situation (partition). At the time of Independence, when the country was ready and put all its potential towards freedom, in that situation the partition was accepted with cowardness," the CM said.
"We have not seen that pain but history is witness to the injustice and atrocities at the time of independence," he added.
In a post on X, CM Yadav wrote, "Today, I participated in the Tiranga Yatra program under the 'Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan' organised by MLA Rameshwar Sharma in Mukherjee Nagar, Kolar locality in Bhopal.
On the call of PM Modi, the Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan has proved to fill the citizens with national patriotic spirit, he further wrote