Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav transferred Rs 1500 directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries of 'Ladli Behna Yojana' ahead of Raksha Bandhan on Saturday. CM Yadav had announced Rs 250 as a Raksha Bandhan gift to every beneficiary, in addition to the regular monthly installment of Rs 1250 under 'Ladli Behna Yojana'.
Additionally, he has also transferred Rs 52 crore to women benificiaries under Gas Refill Yojana.
The Chief Minister is on a tour of Tikamgarh and Sheopur districts on Saturday, where the women tied him 'rakhi', symbolising a strengthened bond between brother and sister.
He also performed the famous Moniya dance of Bundelhand with the artists in Tikamgarh.
A medical college is to be built in Tikamgarh.
Chief Minister Yadav announced a medical college would soon be built in Tikamgarh. He also promised a bonus on the purchase of milk for those who rear animals in their homes. CM said that he will assure to increase additional sources of income for the people.
Don't sell land to host big, fat feasts.
With folded hands, CM Yadav requested people pitch for low-key celebrations instead of selling lands to fund big feasts.
program smaller, while being the education minister, I had a Brahmin feast by inviting 200 people in my family. Don't make a big program by selling land.
CM Yadav also transferred over Rs 52 crore through a single click directly to the bank accounts of more than 25 lakh sisters under the Gas Cylinder Refill Scheme, under which beneficiary women can avail LPG refill at just Rs 450 against market rate of Rs 800 to 900.