Datia (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident, a principal of a private school in Datia brutally beat a Class 5th girl over her fight with her classmate--who is also the principal's cousin, during the lunch break in Datia.
The pictures show her back full of stick marks. On the complaint of the student's family, the police have registered a case of assault against the principal. At present, the accused principal is absconding.
According to the information, a 10-year-old girl is a resident of Manipur village of the district, and studies in class five. She goes to the private school in the village. Mukesh Kushwaha is the principal of the school.
Bhoomi, daughther of Kushwaha's uncle also studies in the same school. The injured student has said that during lunch she had a fight with Bhoomi. Following which, the principal beat her brutally with a neem stick.
Case registered against the principal
When innocent student Khushboo reached home crying, she narrated the entire incident to her mother. When the mother of the victim student went to the school and asked the principal about the incident, the accused principal ran to beat the mother of the victim student and threatened to kill her. The mother of the victim student reached the police station and informed the police about the incident. The police have registered a case against the accused principal on the complaint of the victim’s mother.
The girl is afraid of going to school and talks about never going to school, although the mother and father are trying to explain it to the victim girl.