Bhopal/Damoh (Madhya Pradesh): Damoh police have arrested the principal of Ganga Jamna Higher Secondary School along with two others in connection with the Hijab row on Saturday late night. Damoh police control room told Free Press that three accused – the school principal Afsa Sheikh, a teacher and watchman were arrested under relevant sections of Madhya Pradesh Religious Freedom Act. Later they were produced before the local court which sent them on the judicial remand. Kotwali police TI Vijay Rajput confirmed the arrest of the trio
Row erupted after Hindu girl students of the institute were seen in photographs wearing Hijab-like scarves.
The police, after taking into cognizance the statements of three children in connection with the matter, have registered a case against 10 people of the school management committee under the relevant sections, an official said.
The Madhya Pradesh government has de-recognised the registration of the school in Damoh following the controversy.
Besides, there were also allegations of religious conversion of many teachers of this school. In fact, some of the teachers have admitted that there was some amount of truth in those allegations.Also, many children had also alleged that they were forced to perform Namaz and forced to recite Islamic verses. With inputs from agency