Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav took part in the Jagannath Rath Yatra in Gwalior, demonstrating his devotion and connection with the community. On Saturday night around 11 PM, CM Yadav arrived at Sarafa Bazaar in Gwalior to perform the aarti of Lord Jagannath and offered prayers for the prosperity of the state.
In a symbolic gesture of humility and service, he used a golden broom to clean the path of the Rath Yatra. Accompanied by Assembly Speaker Narendra Singh Tomar, CM Yadav then pulled the chariot of Lord Jagannath, advancing it forward amidst a sea of devoted followers.
Addressing the gathering, CM Yadav expressed his joy at witnessing the immense devotion in Gwalior. He noted that the Rath Yatra has successfully united the entire city. He also remarked on the significance of being part of such a sacred event and praised ISKCON for spreading the messages of Sanatan Dharma and the teachings of Lord Ram and Lord Krishna worldwide.
The Rath Yatra, organized under the aegis of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), saw participation from various dignitaries including Assembly Speaker Narendra Singh Tomar, MP Bharat Singh Kushwaha, and other representatives. Notable attendees included ISKCON’s International Chairman Guru Prasad Swami, Madhya Pradesh Zonal Secretary Mahamana Prabhu, Regional Secretary Praneshwar Prabhu, among others.